by Laura Crum
those of you who read her blog, (A Collection of Madcap Escapades--listed on
the sidebar) know, Dom is a talented young horse trainer and a fine writer and
photographer. She recently had the misfortune to be working with a horse that
had some severe issues. The horse reared up and went over backwards with her,
breaking Dom’s leg very badly (required surgery). As with many young horse
trainers I have known, Dom is not covered by insurance, so the medical bills
will be hard on her. Not to mention the loss of income, as she cannot walk for
ten weeks. Along with others, I am contributing to her recovery. If you want to
help, she takes paypal at this email address.
have to say, this is the sort of cause I like to contribute to. A hard working
person who gives a lot to the world has been hit by misfortune, and I can make
a real difference by sending her a little money. So different from writing a
check to a “charity” and wondering if any of it really goes to helping people/animals,
or if it is all eaten up by “administration.”
this said, Dom has a lot of time to read right now. She recently posted a
review of my fourth mystery novel, Roped—a review I just loved. Yes, I loved it
because it was positive, no I had not contributed any money to Dom when she
wrote it. I am not guilty of buying good reviews(!) Those who know Dom will
know that she will always say what she honestly thinks, so I’m pretty sure I
couldn’t buy a good review from her if I tried. And she knows a LOT about
horses. If I had made any mistakes in the horse related details of this novel,
Dom would have called me on it. Politely and kindly, because that is the way
she handles things, but she would have let me know.
I am going to post her review of Roped here because I just love all the details
she picked up on. It is fun to have such an insightful reader. For those who
are reading the series in order, Roped is the fourth book. The order is Cutter,
Hoofprints, Roughstock, Roped. The first two books in the series,
Cutter and
Hoofprints, are currently 99 cents as Kindle editions.
Roughstock and
Roped are
$2.99. Click on the titles to order.
here is Dom on Roped.
It should come
as no surprise that I started reading the next Laura Crum book pretty much the
second I was done reading Roughstock. The fourth book in the Gaily
McCarthy mystery series is Roped.

I knew from
the get-go that this book would be heavily western themed and I was looking
forward to learning more about disciplines I'm unfamiliar with. What I wasn't
expecting was for the book to open in the midst of tragedy. In the opening
scene, Gail has to euthanize a horse with a broken leg. It turns out the
depressing scene is a reflection on the state of Gail's life in general. Time
has lapsed since the close of the last novel and not all is right with the
world. I'm glad to see an accurate depiction of real life, with its ups and
downs, but I'm saddened by the opening. I realize how attached I've become to
Gail and her sorrows echo deeply with my own. I find myself angry at the
character behind the betrayal, as if I knew either of them personally. By the
end of the first chapter, I'm already involved in the story line.
Despite the
noticeable time lapse, I feel like the introduction of the book really fills in
some gaps in Gail's past. I learn more of her background and before long, I
feel like I have a good insight to Glen, a character who is just making his
first appearance in the books.
It isn't long
before Laura tackles some hard-hitting issues in her book. In the midst of a
roping competition, two animal rights activists make an appearance. I groan out
loud when Gail spots them in the crowd, but am thrilled when Gail voices her
thoughts about them. We seem to be on the same page about animal cruelty and
the nut jobs who would rather set animals free to starve to death in the
magikal wild than see them 'held captive' as pets. Laura doesn't mince words in
her description of the wide spectrum of animal activists (ranging from the
normal people who oppose dog fighting, etc. to the weirdos over at PETA) and I
am tickled pink that she doesn't take the politically correct way out to save
feelings and, heaven forbid, insult readers. A believable character has to have
steadfast opinions that aren't going to please everyone... and Gail certainly
has that.
I don't know
about you guys, but I love having someone to hate in a book, and right off the
bat it looks like Roped will be full of those characters. Even
before I know what the mystery aspect of this book is, I find myself making a
mental list of suspects (and then quickly reminding myself that whoever I guess
will probably be wrong).
As usual, I find
myself in Laura's amazing ability to describe things... from houses to weather
to people. I don't know if it's just me, but the descriptions seem to get
better from book to book. Even though it's a blustery day and the wind at home
seems to come through the walls, I can feel the heat described in the May setting
in Roped. I may be shivering under a blanket with Herbie huddled
beside me, but I can taste the heat and sweat as if I were living it.
The one thing
I'm grateful for is that this description doesn't extend to the death of one of
my favorite characters. SPOILER ALERT!!! Blue, Gail's old dog, had to die some
time, and I had a feeling that time was coming. Laura handles his passing with
grace and without gory detail. I am grateful for the way she handles his death
because I find it hard enough to take without reading it in infinite detail.
Herbie is now huddled closer.
As I immerse
myself in the opening chapters of the book, it becomes clear that this mystery
is going to be different from the others. The other novels in the series have
started with a dead body or an outright murder. But this novel starts with an
old acquaintance seeking Gail's help with something fishy that she can't quite
prove or pin point. Right from the start, I'm dying to know how this mystery is
going to unfold.
While the
mystery unfolds, Gail finds herself in a bar with some people she knows. Her
relationship woes leave her feeling nostalgic and we get to learn
about people from her past. Laura's descriptions of how people have aged and
changed (or not) really hit home with me and I begin thinking of people I've watched
age over the years. Her character descriptions are as vivid as ever. I don't
know if it's that Laura's writing grows stronger from book to book, or if my
attachment to the characters is just becoming more real, but I find myself
intrigued with all the people around Gail. I feel as though Laura did a
fantastic job tackling the passing of time without resorting to super-obvious
tactics like flashbacks.
What follows
next is a scene in which Gail gets to confront the animal rights activist and
voice her thoughts on animal cruelty, specifically certain rodeo events. I find
myself practically cheering out loud as Gail hits the nail in the head, as far
as I'm concerned. Her points echo my own feelings on horse keeping, the
treatment of livestock, and even the wild mustang issue. YES, YES, YES!!
As the
confrontation wears down, I find myself back in the reassuring lull of Gail's
interactions with those around her. There's something so familiar and
comfortable about the way Laura describes the flowing conversations, even
though it's a scene quite different from anything in my own life. I'm still
having a hard time reconciling with Gail's new vulnerability... and over a man!
I'm almost mad that a character that I like and look up to can get so unhitched
over a man, but before I have time to get too mad, the conversation drifts back
to horses and I find myself relating again.
I take the time
to chuckle about the fact that my moods shift with the characters in the book,
but I'm not chuckling for long before the action unfolds! Man, every single one
of these books puts me on an emotional roller coaster and I LOVE it.
The scenes that
unravel are delightfully dark and have a feeling of a world very different from
mine, very... western. Dark bars, dirt roads, Spanish cowboys with straw hats
and blue shirts. I'm totally fascinated by it.
I'm equally
fascinated and enamored by Gail's house. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'd
like to design my own house in a similar way. I'm heartbroken that Gail has put
it on the market. Everything seems to be changing, and I am shockingly saddened
by the whole turn of events.
What really
impresses me is the way Laura mixes subtle details with grand descriptions of
big events to create a believable world. Everything from bar fights described
in explicit detail to the fact that the pick up truck in the driveway has a
nickname make for a world that is very real to me, despite the fact that it's
nothing like the world I actually live in.
But perhaps my
favorite scene of the book is the big cattle gathering. The description of a
perfect day, a mix of relaxing and exciting, the smells, the sights, the way
the cattle move, all had me completely wrapped up and more than a little
jealous (what with my broken leg and all).
My joy in this
western world is cut short, however, by a crime so garish I can barely stomach
it. Thankfully, Laura is quick with the comic relief, using a pair of
personable Queensland terriers to take my mind off of the discovery Gail and
her friend make.
It should come
as no surprise that the comedy is short lived. Very soon, Gail is back to
dealing with some pretty serious relationship woes. Without giving too much
away, I just want to say that I cannot understand why she's with Lonny. I
haven't liked him since the get go and I definitely don't like him now. The
more I read about their seemingly failing relationship, the more my hackles
rise. I do feel sorry for the bastard, but really, what did he expect? I'm
rooting for my favorite vet-detective to keep her independence and just walk away
from him.
Of course, Roped features
some of Gail's work stories. One of the things I truly enjoy about this series
is the description of day to day equine vet calls. Laura does a brilliant job
describing various patients, from high strung horses who try to kill the vet,
to steady older patients who mind their manners even in the worst of times.
Gail's thoughts and feelings on each patient are realistic and often leave me
in stitches. By now, the reader has become acquainted with some of the 'local
horses' and some familiar faces appear in the daily rounds. It's just another
thing that makes these books so believable.
But perhaps what
Laura does best is lull me into a false sense of security. This book is very
different from the previous novels in the series in that there is no dead body
at the beginning. The nature of the mystery is different. The author seems to
have a great time toying with that. Even with some excellent foreshadowing that
leaves me with the promise that something is about to go very, very wrong, I
find myself totally absorbed in the every day... the roping, the western
dancing, the ins and outs of Gail's tumultuous relationship.
The other thing
that's great about this 'different sort of mystery' is that Gail tackles it
differently than the other books. There's no way to involve the police because
there's no real evidence... only a strong suspicion. There's a lot of
wait-and-see and the suspense is delicious.
Of course, it
isn't long before the action builds, and despite the fact that I've been well
warned and expecting it, I jump when it finally happens. Again, without giving
away any spoilers, let me just say that the bratty little dog in this novel
brings me to tears as the drama unfolds.
One of the
things I loved about Roughstock was the involvment of the
horses at the end of the novel. I was delighted to see the animals play even
more of a role in Roped. As Laura describes Gail riding blindly in
the dark on a quiet, young horse, I'm brought back to Vermont with Rayzer in
the summer of 2011. Best of all, Laura manages to write the animals into the
story line without being cheesy like some books tend to be. I feel like all the
animals in my life are such an important part of my own story line, and it's
nice to see that reflected in a novel without being over done.
And then, the
mystery that has been so quiet and strange all along takes center stage with a
crash and I am stunned at the violence, even though I had the right suspects in
mind for once! By this point in the series, I have come to expect a dramatic
finish, and this book didn't disappoint. For all my sleuthing and guessing, I
was close, but not quite. As usual, the book got my blood pumping, and I wasn't
convinced it was over until it really was.
Laura certainly
knows how to keep a reader hooked. Between the suspense, the action, the
mystery, and the fact that there are unanswered questions about Gail's
relationship, I will definitely be back for more.
...and did I
mention that the last page of the book had me blubbering like an idiot? Because
it did.