A little about me:
I was born loving horses. I can't remember a time when I didn't love horses. I think that's true for a lot of people. You get the bug and you either outgrow it, or it's with you for life. My mother was afraid of horses and prayed I'd outgrow it. That didn't happen.
I didn't get my first horse until I was almost 18. I bought her with my own money and kept her at a friend's. She was the most barn sour thing I've ever seen. If I couldn't get someone to ride with me, I wouldn't be able to leave the barn unless I led her miles down the road and road her home. Needless to say, I didn't keep her long. During my college years, I got my horse fix by taking dressage and jumping lessons once a week. While I dabbled over the years in western pleasure and jumping, dressage was and still is my passion.
My other passion is writing. I've been writing since I was old enough to string words together. I still have a book in my attic written and illustrated when I was about 6 years old called "Wildfire," about a horse, of course. Many years later (too many to mention) I decided to try my hand at writing professionally. Just this year, I sold two books to Siren Publishing. The first one, "Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed," will be out this summer. The second, "The Dance." will be out in the fall. In "Who's" horses make a cameo appearance, but "The Dance" features an Andalusian with a sense of humor. The book I'm currently working on is titled, "The Gift Horse."
My trainer convinced me to try out this mare. He said he wanted the horse in his barn and if I didn't buy her, he'd have to. Well, after a month of convincing, I agreed to try the horse. She wasn't really advertised for sale yet, but the owner (also the breeder) had mentioned to my trainer that she might sell her. Well, even green-broke and going around with her head in the air, Gailey was heaven. It was like driving a Mercedes after spending your life in Chevy Vega. I knew I'd never be the same.
After months of agonizing, I bought the mare. This started a journey that has been full of ups and downs, countless thousands of dollars spent on natural horsemanship and dressage trainers, and three horse trailers (because she has a major trailering phobia). She grew from 16-2 at three years old to over 17 hands of massive warmblood. Once we got past the rocky part of our relationship, she's become a dependable partner (if not a little quirky and a bit of drama queen at times). She's a charmer and has a fan club. She's such a couch to ride that everyone who's ever ridden her asks if she's for sale as soon as they dismount.
We are currently showing 2nd/3rd-level dressage and hoping to do a little 4th level later this year. I'll keep you up-to-date on us and tell you a little bit more about my journey with my first warmblood.
Anyway, welcome to Equestrian Ink. We hope you'll return often and let us know what you think via the Comments section. We'll have a new post by one of our writers or guest bloggers every 2-3 days, along with contests and freebies
Welcome to the blogging world! I'm excited to have another resource for equestrian fiction. I've linked to your blog on my weekly blog round-up and I hope it brings visitors your way. I look forward to reading more!
I'm glad to have found you via Equus Palaverous. I know I will find this blog interesting. Your story sounds similar to mine concerning your warmblood. I bought my 16.2 hand Dutch Warmblood when I was 40 and he grew to 17.2 hands. He was a little intimidating but we muddled through,lucky for me he was the kindest, gentlest of horses. I have been writing stories since I was a child, but as yet have never actually sent my stories out, maybe someday...Good Luck with your blog and welcome to the blogoshpere.
Gailey was my 40th birthday present, too. It's been an experience, but there isn't any amount of money in the world that I'd sell her for now.
This is going to be a blog to visit often, I can see that already! Welcome to the equine blogosphere- its quite diverse, and your blog is going to make things that much more fun!
Enjoy the ride, and we are all going to look forward to visiting with you here!
Beautiful mare, by the way... :)
Welcome to the equestrian blogosphere! I got my very first horse when I was forty. Now I'm making up for lost time and have a herd.
It's hard to get back up on any horse once you've been hurt like that, let alone start with a new young one. That's quite a story itself.
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