Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Riding and Weight Loss Challenge--Week 1

Okay, I admit it. I have failed, but only for this week.

I started out great. Lost 1 pound and rode three days in a row. Well, then I went to a writers conference on Friday and just got back. Needless to say, I didn't have a chance to ride 4 times, and I gained weight because I sat on my butt for three days and ate out for three meals a day.

Not a good start.

So I pledge to do better next week.

How about you? Did anyone fare better than I did?


  1. Jami, you crack me up. Kudos to you for your honesty and sense of humor. I'm sure I didn't lose any weight--I refuse to even look at a scale, but I did ride three times this week and hiked my favorite rides twice, so I'm sort of on the page I resolved to be on. My only resolution is to try to hike the trails as often as I ride. I'm just hoping this will be a help. I'm way too much of a hedonist to diet (!)

  2. I don't think I lost a single gram this weekend, Jami! I rode Kwint on Saturday, and we both worked up a frothy sweat (well, his was more frothy than mine; ladies just glow, didn't you know!), but my parents came over for dinner and we had big roast with rice and courgettes and wine. Yesterday I didn't ride because Olivia took Kwintus out for an outside ride (I love that you say trail ride, which always makes me think of wide open American spaces! We just say outside ride because Switzerland is so little...). Meanwhile I baked an apple pie with apples from the garden, and then made a pumpkin soup. I ate two pieces of pie, and had a bowl of soup for dinner (with a bagel). My scales are broken (or need a new battery!), so I've no idea what they would tell me. Like Laura Crum, I also think I'm too much of a hedonist to diet! And I do love a glass (or two) of wine with my dinner...
    xx Francesca

  3. I'm not weighing in until my pants feel different. Only rode once.(I can't believe I even said that....) I did make my minimum three times a week 3 mile plus hike/jog thing I'm doing. Eating was not terrible, except for the cholcolate chip cookie incident last night. (sigh)

  4. Sadly, the only thing that didn't move up or down was my weight. Guess that's good??? Holding steady.

    My biggest resolve since you posted this challenge, Jami, has been to walk more and ride my horses. Ok, here's my excuse on the the walking and riding. Pretty lame, actually, and I know it. Hubby has been off since Friday. The weather has really been gorgeous here but I have failed to take advantage. We went to a farm festival on Friday and visited my son and his new wife. Hubby had some projects to complete around the barn this weekend and needed my help. I reason it all out, well, that's my excercise! Replaces the walking. Amazing how we can justify things like that! haha

    Anyway, I have made myself a calendar. I do better when I can see progress, or lack of. I am going to keep a calendar diary, of sorts, for my activities of walking and riding. Hoping this will keep me motivated the rest of the month.

    Cool to read about you,Francesca, from Switzerland! Makes me think, well, we've got all this land around here and I'm not making good use of it! Puts things into perspective. Best wishes to all!

  5. I got on the scales shortly after the challenge was issued - very depressing! I'm sure that my scales don't work as well as they should. How can I be this heavy?? LOL So....last week I did two half hour walk/jog sessions on the treadmill, rode twice - once for our weekly lesson and yesterday did a one hour long trail ride. Also fit in three walks - one on Sunday. It was our thanksgiving weekend so on Saturday we ate a lot of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie when we had the family gathering. I skipped lunch so that I could eat dinner. We have our weekly riding lesson tonight which for me will be like an aerobics class on a horse. Haven't had the nerve to step back on the scale - I don't think they're working right yet ;0) I may save that for next week Sunday. Despite the delicious TG celebrations, my jeans don't feel quite as snug as they used to. Packed the cottage cheese and fruit lunch for today ;)

  6. I just got on the scale and got a major shock! I think it's going to be a major challenge to find my post-twins body but I'm hoping it's in there somewhere. Now I just need to find a no-cal hot fudge sundae somewhere. : )

  7. I forgot about this program until I was treadmilling last night while watching "The Dog Whisperer." I walked every day but one. I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain, either.

  8. Hey,

    Glad to hear all of you are trying even if making our goals is harder than we imagined.

    I rode yesterday and had lost a pound this morning. But then, by the time I was done riding, my horse and I were in a lather. I'll give the details on that experience on Sunday. My normally dependable, if not a little quirky mare, lost her sanity yesterday. Thank God, neither of us was injured.

  9. I've been toying with the idea of starting a blogger weight loss group. One of the bloggers I follow is a fitness expert (her domain is sweat365!).

  10. Stacey,

    Let me know if you do. I'd love to check it out.

  11. OK. Now I'm getting to know the old women sitting at a desk syndrome. I gained two lbs. AAARRRGGGHHHH!

  12. How about adding a third thing to your challenge -- riding, writing and losing weight? I could use some help with all three and just signed up (again) on NanoWrimo.

    What fun to find a blog with writers who are riders and are getting your books published! I look forward to visiting often.

  13. Welcome, Smellshorsey, we're glad you found us.

    Hey, I'm fine with adding writing to my challenge, which I'm failing miserably at right now.

    I'm going to try to do 5000 words a week. I really need to do more, but I should be able to meet that.
