Monday, April 27, 2009

Mr Twister

By Laura Crum

Today I thought I’d write about a horse in my barn who is a shining success, against all the odds, a horse I helped train, and am very fond of. This would be Mr Twister, my one boarder, who belongs to my friend, Wally.

Wally bought Twister six years ago when the horse was a very green seven year old rope horse. By green I mean that this grey QH gelding had been broke at five, ridden very sketchily since then, and had been roped on for all of ninety days when Wally bought him. What Wally needed was another horse to compete on. What he bought was a project. Why?

There’s no easy answer. Wally and I have been partners on many horses, and I’ve trained quite a few young horses for him. He has always respected my advice when it comes to picking horses out. We both knew what he needed. But the two of us saw Twister at a practice roping, for sale cheap, and we both fell in love with him.

“I really like that grey horse,” I said.

We agreed he was too green.

Wally called me that night. “What do you think if I buy that grey horse?”

“Well,” I said, “he’s too green. But I like him.”

We tried him.

He was really green. And ill-broke. He had no idea how to give his head. He had no rein. He carried his head way up in the air. He had no idea how to stay in the lope for a full circle. You could rope and turn a steer on him, but it was very crude. He wasn’t a particularly well made horse, and looked too light to be an ideal candidate for a rope horse. Both Wally and I rode him.

We decided to buy him.

Why, you might ask. A lot of people asked us that. Several people said we were nuts. Nobody thought it was a good choice. Plenty of people told Wally he shouldn’t listen to me. So, I am happy to report that, six years later, Wally is “delighted” with Twister and having a blast with him.

Back to why. What did we see in this horse? Well, to begin with, when I first saw him, it was the look in his eye. Twister was green and ignorant, he was being ridden by a horse trader who had never ridden him before, and yet this young horse was trying really hard to do right. You could see it all over him. Despite his many flaws when it came to performance, he was trying. I saw other things. He was fast enough. He stuck a leg in the ground well. But it was the look in his eyes that told me that this, despite the odds, was a good-minded horse.

Then I rode him. Again, he was ignorant. He wasn’t just not very well broke, he was ill-broke. He didn’t have the smoothest gaits. But when I attempted to collect him at the lope, despite the fact that I think it was the first time that any one had ever tried it, he gave me his head for a few strides and loped in a gathered frame. That was big. And…here I am going to have a hard time putting something in words…I felt secure on him. Twister was and is a flighty, ampy, prancy horse, with a tendency to spooking and pulling back, and to look at him, you wouldn’t suppose that you’d feel particularly secure on his back. But you do. Everyone who has ever ridden him has noticed. No one has ever fallen off of him. He’s just that kind of horse. For all his faults, he gives you a good feel.

I told Wally to buy him.

Wally liked the same things about him that I did. He bought him. And proceeded to have instant buyer’s remorse.

Because Twister needed a lot of work. He was not a horse that Wally could just take to the next roping. There was a lot to be done first.

Wally taught Twister to lope a circle. I helped as much as I could, but my training was mostly limited to giving advice. I had a lively two-year-old boy to look after, and I wasn’t in the horse training biz any more. This was the first horse that Wally had really trained without any active help from me (other than advice) and to begin with he missed the old system—the one where I did all the work. But he persevered. And Twister learned to stay in the lope, and collect, and lope a circle.

We worked on his rope horse skills. To begin with Wally wanted to give up. This horse isn’t going to make it, he kept telling me. He’s too hot, he’ll never score well, and he can’t run. He carries his head too high. Everything was wrong.

I kept telling him the horse would make it. Yes, he was high headed and chargy, but he could run enough. And he had a good mind. I devised ways of getting the horse quiet in the box. Unlike many horses, Twister really responded to being petted. When he became over-excited in the box, I had Wally get off of him and stand beside him and pet him. (Oh and by the way, this is something that most ropers would never do—we got a lot of funny looks.) As time went on, Wally could stay on Twister and pet him and get the same result. Pretty soon, he could just reach down and touch his neck and the horse would calm.

I watched Wally rope on Twister and helped him figure out what the horse needed. When Twister got too high, I would have Wally run out, stop the horse gently, back him up a few steps (gently) and then just sit there until Twister relaxed. People continued to tell us we were nuts and Twister wasn’t the right type of horse. I told them all they were wrong. Wally, a bit dubiously, persisted.

Twister got better. Slowly. I watched him and I had confidence in him. And Twister grew in confidence, too. He was a sensitive horse. Wally and I learned early on that you could not—ever--hit this horse. You couldn’t even yell at him. He would be upset and afraid of you for days if you did. He was light sided and needed no spur. You needed to stay light on his face or he got upset. He remained high headed and a bit chargy. But he learned to be good in the box and to work well in the arena as a head horse. Wally started to compete and win on him. People stopped telling us how wrong we were. Twister even filled out a bit and became a decent looking horse. All seemed well.

And then Wally fell off a colt and hurt his shoulder. The shoulder mended, but in such a way that Wally could no longer throw a strong head loop. He could throw a heel loop. But Twister had been trained to be a head horse. A chargy high-headed horse is not an unreasonable choice for a head horse, if he has certain attributes. But a chargy, high-headed horse (who doesn’t cow much) is nobody’s choice for a heel horse. Still, Wally was really fond of Twister at this point and didn’t want to sell him. I assured him that we could turn the horse into a decent heel horse.

Everybody said we were wrong. Everybody said we were stupid to try. Certain roper friends told Wally he shouldn’t listen to me (the same ones as before.) But Wally persisted.

And for a while it looked stupid. Twister was really not a good choice for a heel horse. He was too chargy. He wasn’t very cowy. He was high headed. About all he had going for him was that he would stop hard. And he wanted to do what was asked of him.

I’m sure you all can guess the rest. Twister tried. He did his best to understand this new event. He trusted Wally. He tried to learn. I watched and helped as much as I could. We used many of the same tricks I’d worked out to teach Twister to be a head horse. And Twister learned. Wally took his time. He heeled on Twister only as much as the horse could handle it. It took awhile. But this year, now that my good horse Plumber is too old to be very competitive any more (Wally had been using him as his heel horse for the past ten years), Twister is finally really competitive as a heel horse. Wally is winning on him. And all those same people who said we were nuts are once again having to eat their words. It makes me really happy.

Twister has just recovered from a mystery illness that gave him a slight fever and some pussy discharge from his nose, and both Wally and I are hoping that he has a long life ahead of him as a rope horse. He is one horse who succeeded against the odds—and the naysayers—and I’m proud of him. He’s proven for me, yet again, that a horse’s most important attribute is his mind. And that a good-minded horse comes in many forms. This hot, flighty horse who had such a rough start, wouldn’t strike many people as good-minded….but he is. Wally and I have agreed that Twister has earned his home. He will live with me until he dies, and I’m glad to have him. Here’s to Twister—the gallant horse.
Laura Crum


  1. What a nice horse. I have had horses I've liked, simply because of their eye. Some turned out, some didn't, but they were all kind.
    Could you please explain to me, "stick his leg in the ground."

  2. Fun story!! Thank-you for posting it!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wonderful story, Laura.
    A good eye says a lot.
    I also believe that we get a lot of information subconsciously after being around horses for a while, and that it adds to that gut feeling.
    I agree with you that the mind is so important.
    I also believe that the rider/owner of the horse and the horse have to match; they really have to like, and try to understand and get the best out of each other.
    With another owner maybe Mr Twister wouldn't have shown his value?
    With the right match you get magic - like in this story.

  5. "Stick his leg in the ground" basically means get under himself. A head horse is running full tilt and needs to check and turn a steer. Since he doesn't come to a full stop, it is possible for the horse to sort of "run around the corner", never gathering himself much at all. Needless to say, this isn't good. A horse who naturally gathers himself and rocks back, is said to "stick a leg in the ground". Does this make sense? If they do it quite naturally, its much easier to make a good rope horse out of them than if they don't.

    And yes, Horse Of Course, Twister would have been a failure with many riders--that is so true. He was and is a very touchy horse, he still pulls back a lot, most people would grow impatient with him, and he would not respond well to that. Wally loves him. its worked out very well for both of them.

  6. I am really pleased to hear this, because my gelding was bought as a 6 year old greenie. I met him and loved the look on his face. He's gentle. Stubborn, but gentle.

    Of course he's also got a memory like an elephant and holds a grudge... I've had to work real hard to prove to him that I'm trustworthy and fair. We had a couple of incidents. We're good now.

    There's so much work to be done; I still haven't good a satisfactory lope on him and he's not very flexible yet. But another reason I bought him is that he's solid, physically. I had just lost a gelding who had a ribcage like a barrel, and I loved that solid feeling. Phoenix felt right.

    Can't tell you how many times I told myself I was stupid for getting myself another green horse- my mare isn't too far ahead of him - and that I should have bought a goat to keep the mare company until I could afford a good broke older horse.

    But you know what? I really like my Phoenix. I just like him. I hope we can have a story like Twister's someday!!

  7. Heidi--I saw a photo you posted of Phoenix on your blog and I liked him, too. He has a very nice eye. And you know, just time and wet saddle blankets works wonders with most of them. Twister has a great collected lope now (except when he's having a bad day, of course--then he keeps trying to accelerate. But hey, everybody's got stuff).

  8. You just described my new barrel horse!!! He's a 6 year old, has collectively 90 days on him. He's differant. He's soft and he's very sensitive, but he has some quirks and WALK is not in his vocabulary, I can't explain why I feel so secure on him. The only differance with "Easy" and Twister is that most people agree he will excel at barrels. My husband, who is a bull fighter/clown says he'll fit right in with all the other crazy/ goofy barrel horses! I disagree of course about all barrel horses!

  9. I enjoyed Twister's story. It just proves that it's not the ribbons as much as the journey. It sounds like Twister had the attitude. You can do a lot with attitude. Thanks for the wonderful story.
