Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reader's Write Saturday--Linda Benson

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. As Laura announced earlier this week, we are going to be doing a Reader's Write Saturday where we get to know our readers. Send us a bio about you, your horse, or anything that might be of interest to our readers. We'd love to get to know all of you better.

So if anyone is interested in writing a post for equestrianink, send it to me at, and I'll post it on the next free Saturday.

Our first participant in Reader's Write is fellow writer, Linda Benson. Welcome Linda!!!

Hi Jami - Nice to meet all of you. I enjoy reading Equestrian Ink. My name is Linda Benson and I am a horsewoman, animal lover, and children's author. I also blog at about horses, writing, animals, and other things.

Over the years, I've done lots of things with horses, including team penning, endurance riding, jumping, as well as owning a horse brokerage business and a successful saddle shop. I've even raised donkeys, and enjoyed learning another kind of equine mind. But more than anything, I have always loved to trail ride. At the moment, I ride an old quarter horse gelding in his twenties that packs me safely around the woods behind my house. I got Buddy last August as a very skinny rehab/rescue horse, and he has made amazing progress, which I've talked about in my blog.

I have two published children's novels, and an article coming out in Equus magazine about enjoying riding as we get older.

My next novel, called THE GIRL WHO REMEMBERED HORSES, is out on submission right now with my agent. It takes place in the future, during a time when humans have all but forgotten horses and their connection to mankind. Except for one girl, who dreams about them. Even though this manuscript is set in the future, I wouldn't call it a fantasy. I tried very hard to make all the horse details ring true - so that a horse person reading it might think, yeah, this could actually happen this way.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, and I've found a schedule that works pretty well for me. I write in the rainy winters, and I ride in the lovely summers. Right now I am pretty much chafing at the bit, wanting to get back on my horse. Hopefully, right after Christmas I will get the old guy out and saddle him up, whatever the weather.

Cheers. and Happy 2010!
Linda Benson



  1. Linda--I am following your schedule. I'm writing my twelfth mystery novel these days, and not riding much. I rode a lot this last fall, and I think I'm going through withdrawal. But between weather and circumstances, I haven't gotten out on the trails in a few weeks and I'm missing it. Hope we both get out there soon on our reliable old trail horses. I appreciate these steady guys so much these days--now that I no longer feel like I can bounce when I hit the ground.

  2. Yes, Laura. I'm going through riding withdrawals also. Riding really clears my head, and my best days are when I can write AND ride. Looking forward to Spring and warmer weather, when I can comfortably do BOTH things. Good luck finishing your 12th book!
