Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Undefeated Zenyatta - 19 for 19

My daughter was lucky enough to be at Hollywood Park last Saturday, October 2, 2010, to witness Zenyatta's last race in California.

Here she is with the bugler that calls the horses to the post, wearing a Zenyatta cap (she scored one for me, too, yay!) and a Zenyatta sign. After that, she snagged a great spot at the rail where she took these fantastic pictures.
Here comes Zenyatta, with jockey Mike Smith up, making her way to the track, doing her little trademark dance that she does each time before a race. The girl is READY.

Here are some of the more than 25,000 fans that turned out to show her some love.

Here's the big girl herself, all 17.2 hands of her, warming up. Isn't she gorgeous? Six years old and the ultimate professional.

Zenyatta loading into the gate. She is undefeated. Can she possibly make it 19 in a row?

Here she comes down the stretch. She's at the back of the pack, as usual, and starting to race past horses, one by one. But a horse named Switch got the jump on her and is three lengths away. Can she possibly make it?

She does! She does! She flies by, right in the nick of time, and wins her 19th race! Number 1, says Mike Smith. Number 1.

A wreath of flowers for the Queen. Notice the cotton still in her ears, so the roar of the crowd won't distract her.

And here she is making her way back to the stables after her win.
Zenyatta has one more race lined up. The Breeder's Cup Classic - on November 6th, 2010 at Churchill Downs in Kentucky. She won this race last year, against the best male horses in the world. Can she possibly do it again this year? That's what she's aiming for, before retirement. Mark your calendars!!


  1. So cool to be there and see her race! It must have been breathtaking to see her come up from behind.

    She is my hero!!!!!

  2. How exciting for your daughter, and how brilliant for you to have such great photos to show us. Brilliant horse; I hope she wins in November!

  3. Fantastyk - I know, Zenyatta is my hero, also. She's a horse for the ages.

    Francesa - I loved the pictures also. It was almost as good as being there, so I wanted to share them.

  4. Gorgeous, smart and strong.
    Go ladies!
    (And your daughter is cute, too!)

  5. What a wonderful story and terrific photos! Thanks for sharing them here. Zenyatta is such an impressive horse!
