Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Horsey Christmas

So, Christmas coming up makes me wonder - what's the best horsey gift you've ever received? Have any of you ever received a horse (or given one) for a Christmas present?

Adorable picture from Tuesday's Horse

I've never gotten a horse for Christmas, although I did receive a shorthorn heifer named Raisin for my birthday one year :)

And in the years I owned a tack shop, Christmas was always a fun season. Not only did we get to stock equine calendars, ornaments, horse books and greeting cards, but it was a lot of fun watching people pick out presents for the horse lovers in their lives. Some lucky people received new bridles, blankets, and even saddles.

So, I ask you - what's the very best horse gift you ever received? Or gave to someone?

Share with us.

And here's hoping you have the best horsey Christmas ever!


  1. For many, many years I dreamed of getting a pony for Christmas. I am sure I dropped many not-so-subtle hints. However, my parents were far too wise and too practical to give me a pony! I don't think our suburban neighborhood would have appreciated the gift either!
    My favorite horse-related gift that I received was a beautiful leather purse with a small snaffle bit on the front that held the flap closed. The gift, from my Aunt, was a total surprise. I used it for years.

  2. Well, Like Dreaming, I was always one asking for a pony. My parents could have given me a piece of poop, and I would have run around screaming,. "There has to be a pony here SOMEWHERE!"

    When I turned 16, I got a Christmas/ birthday present of a life time. My Appy gelding Jack. We were together just shy of 20 years. He died five years ago, at the age of 40. I still miss him every single day. But he was BY FAR the best gift I'd ever gotten!!

  3. Dreaming - what a nice gift. I have a keychain with a snaffle bit on it, that I've carried around for, oh probably 20 years. I think I'm a bit attached to it ;)

    Mrs. Mom - Jack lived to be 40? Wow, that's a long time. You must have treated him right, and I know you must have loved him. How exciting to get him for Christmas!

    Of course, I also asked for a horse every. single. Christmas. When I finally got one (not at Christmas, but with money I saved myself) my parents sprang for a saddle for me, probably to help keep me safe :)

    Any time you get a new horse - it feels like Christmas, don't you think?

  4. Wow, I would have PASSED out if I came down to see that beauty under the tree. I used to get so mad at Santa for NOT LISTENING but there were always plenty of Breyers to cure the tantrum. ;)

  5. My husband gave me his horse for Christmas two years ago. I was already riding and taking care of him (my horse was getting old) so it wasn't a surprise; still, I burst into tears when I saw his photo and knew he was mine.

  6. Kristen - yes, I got many, many toy horses over the years. And horse books. They were a good fix, for awhile.

    Alison - gosh, your post brought tears to my eyes, too. What a sweet story.
