Sunday, February 6, 2011

Talking to Animals

I have tons of news that I'm going to save for my next post. In a nutshell, I'm horseshopping, looking for a horse I can show. As most of you know I've struggled with whether or not to continue to ride dressage. Anyway, I'll let you know how I came to this decision next time.

Yesterday, I attended a class on animal communication at a local community college. Here's the blurb from this 4-hour class: Animals want to talk to us.We just have to tune in and listen. Learn to intuitively communicate with them in this fun interactive class. You will be sending and receiving messages by the end of the workshop. Whether you wish to enhance your relationship with your own pets or go on to work in this field, this class will provide you with the basics.

When I found out about this class, I had to go. For one, I've always been fascinated by intuitive communication with animals. Also, my heroine in my current book is an animal communcator. This couldn't have come at a better time.

The class was taught by Lisa Holm, a local psychic, clairvoyant intuitive counselor, Reiki master & animal communicator. In the class we were given hands-on practice communicating with animals via pictures and live animals. It was fascinating, to say the least, and anyone can do it if you believe you can.

I'm going to present you with the facts from my class. It's up to you whether or not you believe such a thing is possible.

First of all, you need to get in a quiet place to communicate and the following needs to be true:
  1. You need to believe telepathic communication exists.
  2. You need to believe it exists for you and be in a calm place inwardly and outwardly.
  3. You need to practice.
  4. You need to trust what you hear and the impression you get. Go with your first impressions. Go from your heart.
For starters, we did a meditation exercise. Lisa turned off the lights in the room and played soft music. She had us close our eyes and imagine we were walking through a forest to a stream. At the stream we opened a backpack we had been carrying. In the backpack were stones. Each stone had something written on it representing a burden we carried. We were to throw the stones one by one into the steam and watch them disentegrate when they hit the water, the remains being carried away. Then we threw the backpack into the water. Once we were freed of our burdens, we were to picture an animal coming out of the woods and what the animal was trying to tell us.

When we opened our eyes, we shared our experiences. The animal who came to me was the doe that eats our roses. She wondered why we had roses if she wasn't supposed to eat them.

Next Lisa handed out a picture of Nala, a dog she was familiar with, and gave us a technique for communicating with Nala.
  1. Get quiet.
  2. Look at a picture of the animal (or the real animal).
  3. Close your eyes and focus on the animal.
  4. Picture a warm, glowing light in your heart.
  5. Picture the animal with same light in his heart.
  6. Send a beam of light and love to the animal's heart.
  7. Feel the light expand until it surrounds both of you.
  8. Feel the animal's presence, even if you don't feel the animal, go with it anyway.
  9. Ask the animal if he has anything to say to you?
  10. You may see pictures in your mind, hear words, smell something, hear a song, or feel something in your body. Your first impression is probably the accurate one. Don't over think it.
Even if you don't get a message, make it up. Giving yourself permission to make it up, often frees your mind and allows you to communicate. Often, what you make up is truly what you're receiving from the animal, you just don't realize it.

Once we got a sense of her, we wrote down 5 questions to ask her.

The messages I received from Nala were a small gray stuffed toy and creaky hips. Later I found she'd had a serious injury to her hip in which she'd almost had to be put down. She also loves to play with stuffed animals.

I found my mind would wander, and Lisa said that's OK. Just bring it back. Staying focused takes practice. Work on breathing deeply, in through your nose, out through your mouth. Suspend your disbelief. Don't focus on pain and negativity because that's what you'll get in return.

If you'd like to find out where an animal might be hurting physically, picture a scanner of light running across the animal's body from head to tail. Wherever the scanner pauses or shows a different type of light or even a pinpoint of light is the problem area. You may also feel it in your own body.

We also communicated with two pets who were in the classroom and a horse via a picture brought in by the owner.

Regarding the horse, the owner asked us to find out why the horse stands for hours and stares. She wants to know what she's staring at. One of us said a ghost, and I had the words "something you can't see" enter my mind. Come to find out, the area the mare stared at was the area where her father was buried near the woods.

I thoroughly enjoyed this class, and the four hours went quickly. Yet by the time it was done, I was tired. Lisa pointed out such work was exhausting. Also, she did give some tips for altering behavior, but the animal needed to be open to it.

I hope you've enjoyed my recount of my class, and it's given you some food for thought.


  1. Jami--thank you so much for going indepth into what you did in the class and how you felt about it. All of us who know and love animals realize there is a lot of communication going on--sometimes I pick up on it, and sometimes when life is too busy, I don't. My loss!

  2. Fascinating. I would love to be able to attend such a class.

  3. Wow, Jami. Awesome stuff. I'm going to try some of that stuff with my animals. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Fantastic! I'm actually going to print this out so I can become more familiar with the techniques your describe. Thanks so much, Jami.

  5. Interesting, Jami. I've read some articles, and seen a program or two,where the people doing the communicating say you need to use pictures to "talk" to animals. Naturally, they wouldn't understand our verbal language. When you think about it, especially with horses, you realize that much of our communication with them is non-verbal anyway. At least the better kind of communication.
