I love blogs about one well-developed topic, yet I find mine are always either random musings or stress-induced rants. Spring has been crazy-busy, so this will be no exception. My well-intentioned thought on writing about slowing down and smelling the peonies, has gone out the window in my rush to finish this and turn on the Kentucky Derby, chop meat for the crockpot (for tomorrow's Mother's Day dinner for MY mother. And where is my Mother's Day dinner? Good question!), pick greens for a friend's birthday dinner tonight, and feed the dogs--all before we go by 6:30. Will I make it? And what time IS the Kentucky Derby running anyway?
I need a schedule and an assistant but both will be too much work. Laura finished her deadline and went off camping for a month. I just finished a deadline and have a second one right on its heels. I am jealous of Laura, and yet I am not since I like being home. And I am not even complaining about deadlines. I know how fortunate I am in this crazy publishing business to even have deadlines, but sometimes I wonder why they--and kids moving home, and exams needing grading, and sons needing moving--all come when the weather is perfect to ride and the tomatoes have to be planted.
And really, I am NOT complaining because my husband just traveled through Tennessee and Alabama and brought home photos of the tornado devastation and there's a reason to complain! Yet those poor folks are probably too shocked to let out even a peep.
So I will go back to my earlier thought--I need to take time to smell my peonies . . . and iris and horse manure because life is full and exciting and my house still has a roof and my daughter will be home tomorrow from college because picking her up is what I am doing on Mother's Day! So please today or Mother's Day or any other time, rant away in the comments--it is very freeing. And now it's time to check out that Kentucky Derby!
After watching 3 hours of NBC and the Kentucky Derby build-up (which I never miss, even though all that Hat business is pretty hokey) the race was actually won by a horse name Animal Kingdom, who we all know little about. Oh well - Yay! Now we'll hear plenty about him, on the way to the Preakness, the second leg of the Triple Crown.
Meanwhile, Happy Mother's Day, Alison! Hope you make time to smell the roses and peonies.
You, too, Linda! The Derby has gotten to be so much hype. Without a horse to focus on like Zenyatta, it's hard to stay interested. I rooted for the female jockey, of course. You have a great Mother's Day and I hope you find that perfect dog for you and Homer!
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