Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Annoucing the Equestrian Ink Great Summer Giveaway

The writers at Equestrian Ink would like to thank our readers for their continued support over the past few years.

This summer we're offering the Great Summer Giveaway at Equestrian Ink. Each Saturday one of the EI regular authors will post a book cover and blurb. If you'd like to be entered for a chance to win that book, follow the instructions posted to enter. The winner will be annouced each week on the following Friday.
Some authors may be able to provide a print or digital version of the book depending on the winner's preference.

We hope you'll join us for the opportunity to win some great books.


  1. Looking forward to a possible chance to read everyone's work!!

  2. Very cool! I look forward to winning. ;)

  3. Thanks for announcing this Jami--may the giveaway begin!
