Saturday, June 4, 2011


(This is a photo of my very shaggy, very non-show horse, Relish.)
One of the reasons I have enjoyed being involved with this blog is discovering the differences within the horse community and between 'us.' Francesca writes from Switzerland where she bought the stallion of her dreams. To me, Qrac and the horse life she is living is a dream. Francesca's level of riding and Qrac's level of training are beyond my imagination.

Terri's horse career is similarily beyond me. She writes of traveling to clinics, training students and riding in three-day events. Horses ARE her life, and her level of professionalism and knowledge is volumes compared to my few pages. Laura writes of her cutting horse past, which is totally a foreign subject to someone who rode English. And now she writes about her incredible trail rides along California beaches and into the California hills--alien to someone from Virginia!

Jami with Gailey, from what I can understand from her blogs, also rode high-level dressage. Now Gailey is being bred to UB40, a stallion that looks like a magazine ad. And Linda-who does have a horse past--has moved on to her two loves--Mr. Big and Mr. Chocolate. Donkeys I have only loved from afar.

Now I have had horses in my life since I was five-years old and hopefully will have them until I am too old to get out to the barn, but I never had the time, money, interest or determination to do more than a few local shows. Competing is just not in my blood. But I enjoy reading about everyone else's adventures, dilemmas and worries--because despite our differences, the Equestrian Ink posters have much in common: a love and caring of horses and animals, an interest in sharing, and the curiosity to question and learn.
I hope we continue and I hope the wonderful folks who comment also keep sharing and questioning as well!


  1. Thanks for posting a photo of Relish. I always wondered what your horse looked like. He looks very sweet--what a kind eye. And as you know, my current horse is very non-fancy, non-show horse as well. It is fun to hear about all the other, fancier horses, though--I agree.

  2. Hey Alison: I too love to read and day dream about those fancier horses but for me it's about grade horses that are safe for my family and myself. If we make it to a few local fairs for the kids then that's great. But I think we all share the same love and joy of horses, no matter what level we ride at! Wouldn't you agree!!

  3. Alison - Relish looks like a real sweetie, and I LOVE his name. *grin* Yes, no matter what my involvement in the horse world is, I'm always interested in hearing, reading, and learning about other people and their experiences with horses. It's fun!

  4. Laura--Relish is actually cuter than the photo, and his kind eye sparkles with plenty of mischief at times.

    Mommyrides--yup, those backyard horses are the best! I think that's the biggest difference between here and Europe. There is no such thing as a backyard horse. Francesca? Tell me if I am wrong?

    Linda--it's short for Relish the Thought. He's a T/QH/APP cross and registered some kind of way. The gal thought she was going to have an event horse, but he's too big bodied with more Thoroughbred feet--he would have broken down over fences. PS--you never told us how Mr. Big got out!

  5. Alison: Relish is GORGEOUS! What a lovely face, and yes, he has a lovely kind eye.

    I enjoyed your post because it pinpointed the reasons I so enjoy this blog: it highlights our differences, while also showing how similar we all our through our love for our horses.

    I suppose the conditions in which I ride might come across as pretty fancy. I'm lucky, and ever so grateful. As for my level of riding, I don't perceive it as particularly high (I'm not the most self-confident person on the planet), and Qrac's level of training isn't very advanced. But yes, he's a stunning horse (well, I think so!).

    I'll be perfectly honest and admit that I wouldn't want horses in my backyard. As much as I love them, looking after horses full time is far too labour intensive for me, as well as too much of a bind. Anyway, as far as my backyard is concerned, although it's not small by Swiss standards, it's way too small to house a horse.

    Do we have "backyard horses" in Europe? Yes, but definitely not to the same degree as you do in America. You just have far more space than we do!

  6. I dream about Qrac and hope that Sugar will mature to be as calm as Sunny. Thank you all for sharing your horse lives with us!!

  7. Thanks for your 'Gorgeous' comment, Francesca--you are kind! (Relish has never been described as gorgeous so he was basking . . )

    What I marvel at your blogs is how much you 'trail' ride and how well Qrac does!

  8. Alison,
    I loved your post. Bottom line, no matter what your level of expertise, show or not, fancy show horse or backyard buddy, it is all just about having a horse in your life at any level. Yes I have been blessed to spend my days in the compant of horses and make a living out of it, but some of the best horse people I know don't show, don't have expensive well-bred horses and may not even know that much. But they simply love their animals and know where to seek out help when and if they need it. I think Relish is a very lucky boy to have you in his life!

  9. I'm glad there is a place for non competitive, MOR riders like you, AND me in the blogging world. I too can only dream when I hear about others and their high level horse activities. I've never had enough money, free time, or incentive to pursue more advanced horse activities myself and probably never will. I do admire those you named and a lot of other bloggers for realizing their dreams in ways I cannot imagine.

    I think Relish is gorgeous.
