Friday, July 1, 2011

The Equestrian Ink Great Summer Giveaway--The Gift Horse

Perhaps it's fitting that we start off our great summer giveaway with my contemporary romance novel, titled The Gift Horse. To enter just comment on this blog post. I'll draw a winner at random next Friday night, July 8. You must be 18 to enter. You can choose either a paper or electronic copy. I am willing to ship to anywhere in the world. Every week for the next month or two, we'll post another of our author's books.

The Gift Horse BLURB:

Never look a Gift Horse in the mouth?

Carson Reynolds would dispute that statement. A gift horse got him into this mess in the first place. His mission: transform a run-down horse farm into the premium facility in the Pacific Northwest and a disorganized horse trainer with a penchant for self-sabotage into a winner.

After six years, Samantha MacIntyre has returned to the scene of a horrific barn fire allegedly caused by her carelessness. She accepts the head trainer position at that run-down facility to prove her innocence and to ride the talented, temperamental horse Carson received as a birthday gift. But first, she must pass the test: compete the horse for one season, impress Carson, and best his sister's preferred trainer.

As Sam and Carson get closer to the truth and mishaps escalate into serious accidents. With the help of an opinionated equine, they face a surprising reality--that love is more important than ambition, money, or blue ribbons.

Read the first chapter here:


  1. First to comment! I would love to read this book. Hope it's my name you draw at random ;)

  2. I read the blog daily, but haven't been able to get any of the books yet.

    I'd love to be the recipient of one of the prizes.

    Thanks for making up the contest.

  3. Sounds like a fun mystery/love story. Forget about your other readers, please choose me!! (fingers and toes crossed.) ;)

  4. One can always use another book on the shelf (especially when it's a horse book ;o)
    Well, I'm off to read chapter one...

  5. Sounds like a wonderful book that I would love to read.

  6. I, too, would like to participate in your book giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.

  7. Me too! I am an avid reader...have not had time to read enough it seems lately. Thank you for doing this!

  8. Stumbled upon the blog a few weeks ago and have been enjoying going back and reading posts. I would love to read your book!

  9. What a neat idea - it's always a treat to read what you ladies have been up to with your horses between books. Can't wait to see who wins!

  10. I would love to win your book! I am in need of a new "horsey" book to read!!!

  11. I haven't had a chance to read any of your books yet, but I love reading this blog and I know your books are bound to be great. I hope you pick me!

  12. I'm never lucky with drawings. But, I know where to get the book if I don't win it ;)

    Great idea!

  13. Thanks everyone for entering to win my book. I'll admit when I first posted the blurb yesterday, I had a moment of panic. What if no one wants to win the book? Anyway, I'll keep the post open until Friday afternoon. So if you haven't entered yet, you do have a few more days.

  14. I would so love to read one of your books - please choose me!! (fingers crossed!)

  15. Mystery, romance, horses...what could be better? Sounds intriguing. Count me in.

  16. a horse book?? Count me in!!
    I'm really looking forward to the summer contest!!

  17. This sounds like a terrific read; please do put my name in your riding helmet for the contest.


  18. The first week's contest is now closed. The winner has been announced in a new post. Thanks to all for entering.
