Yee Ha! Congratulations to Jackie for winning a copy of The Horse Jar. You are going to love it! Now it's time to round up your young readers (or not so young) and once again lasso a chance to win a book for great summer readin'. Since I have a wide variety of books for all ages and interests, I'd love for you to ride on over to my website at http://www.alisonhartbooks.com/
and take a look at the book section. I even have non (gasp!) horsey books for those of you who enjoy history or mysteries, as well as books that combine horses and mystery, and books that combine history and horses. When you comment, please mention which looks like the one for you (or for someone special.) My attic is overflowing with books, so I would love to send one to the winner! I'll pick a name at random from my cowboy hat Friday night July 22nd.
Until then, keep reading and thank you for hanging out at our blog whenever you get a chance.
Hey everyone - this is a great opportunity! Even if you can't decide which of Alison's books you want, just leave a comment and you can decide later. Plus, you can enter this contest even if you've entered the last two. Jump on in, guys, time's a wastin' and contest closes on Friday night!
hmmm emma's river would be great, but I'd settle for whirlwind.
I love horses and horse stories, so I would love to win one of your books. I hope you pick me!
I received two of Alison's books earlier this year. I LOVE her style of writing. She has a knack for putting action and suspense in historical fiction. Great reading for middle age kids (oh, and for adults, like me!)
So... I never did get my blog post written right after I received the books... but I just put one up now with a brief review of Bell's Star. Visit http://livingadream2.blogspot.com to read about one of the books.
Tell your friends... get signed up for the giveaway!
I'm in! *laugh* I started to say "Whirlwind", but I think the Shadow book is the first one, so perhaps we should start there ;o)
Thank you for having such lovely giveaways!
Thanks Dreaming! I'll check out the review/blog asap!
And you can win a third book, so don't hesitate to enter. :)
OK...sign me up for the giveaway! You know I will love reading a book and passing it on to my friends at therapeutic riding!!
I would love to read Shadow Horse, if I should happen to get chosen :) I always said I hated to read, until a day last fall I picked up a book that was horse related. (It was something that held my interest!!) Now I think back of all the years lost to not reading books, I gotta make up for lost time! :) Thank you for the opportunity
Mysteries are a favorite genre of mine. So Shadow Horse would be by first choice. Then I could follow it with Whirlwind.
I would love to get Whirlwind! Shadow Horse has been one of my all-time favorite horse books since I was about 10 and I haven't been able to get Whirlwind from the local library.
I just got my book and read it! Great story, wonderful ending, which I won't tell. I still have most of my horse stories from when I was a kid...and that one will go right with it. I highly recommend it if you can get your hands on one :)
Thank you Linda!
All of the books sound great, but "Anna's Blizzard" appealed to me the most. Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Thanks for entering everyone! I'll be picking a name tonight, 10:00 EST (since I am here in the sweltering east.)
Hi there! I've been looking for a good horsey book in the stores lately that I haven't already read (last one I read was Flying changes - a GREAT read!) but kept coming up empty on my searches. I'm so happy to have found your blog and look forward to reading ANY horse related books :) Great blog!!!
Hope I'm not too late to be considered. I just checked out your book page, and I was very surprised to see the Molly mystery! I've loved American Girls since I was a little girl, and my best birthday ever was my 10th, when I finally got my Molly doll (I've had horses since birth, so getting one of those for my birthday wasn't a big deal :) I still have my doll waiting on a shelf for my daughter to be old enough to love her like I do.
I think my daughter and I would enjoy Shadow Horse or Whirlwind.
I'm in! Will pick a book for my granddaughter if I win. Thanks.
Aldercreek--you must be a youngster compared to me since my daughter had the AG dolls. :)
TBA thanks for loving Shadow Horse--me, too! And if you don't win, bug that librarian until she gets a copy of Whirlwind.
Once Upon an Equine--horse + mysteries = the best I agree and they're aren't enough out there.
Kiloadventures--Thanks for mentioning Flying Changes. Love the title.
EVERYONE---don't fret if you don't win tonight. More giveaways coming!
Ta Da! The cowboy hat spoketh:
Aldercreek is the winner!
Please email at alison@alisonhartbooks.com
GIANT thank yous to everyone who entered, commented, met us for the first time and hoped to win. And don't despair--more giveaways coming!
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