Saturday, December 3, 2011

On the First Day of Christmas . . .

. . . my true love gave to me, an Alison Hart book that was free.

How is this possible, you ask? It's the Great Holiday Book Giveaway! Books are the best gifts for any reason, but they're especially wonderful under the tree or in a stocking.
Many of you mentioned that money is tight this season. So with a quick comment about which of my books looks just right as the perfect gift, you are entered to win something free. No standing in lines or shopping with crowds. Simply click on my website and choose which book you would like for someone you love (ah hem, that can include yourself). I have historical fiction such as Emma's River, choose your own endings such as Dive Right In! or page-turning mysteries such as Return of the Gypsy Witch.

Your choice, no postage needed, and I will be happy to personalize the book.
One of the wonderful things about this blog and its members is that the love of animals and BOOKS shines through in every post and comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you are wishing for this holiday season. For me, it's a day of peace and relaxation with a good book to read!

Enjoy the Great Holiday Book Giveaway! and Happy December to all!


  1. Alison--I bought "Gabriel's Horses" for my son, and would like to win the second book in the trilogy, "Gabriel's Triumph." That is, if I'm allowed to enter (?!) My kid has now read your "Risky Chance" (which he reviewed here on our blog) and "Bell's Star", and enjoyed them both very much. In fact, he's currently embarked on one of the other "horse diaries" titles, so you've sort of got him started on that series. Thanks for all the great books for young readers.

  2. I would love to get Whirlwind! My favorite childhood book was Shadow Horse and so I really want to read the sequel!

  3. Alison - are you giving away just one book to one commenter? (I wasn't sure.)When will you choose the winner? I loved both Shadow Horse and Whirlwind, by the way, as well as Risky Chance. I'm not entering, just wanted to say those are my favorites (so far) of your books. :-)

  4. Thanks Linda for reminding me about the contest details. I get all excited about BOOKS and forget.
    One winner to be chosen the 12th day of Christmas (Dec.) to give me lots of time to mail out the winning book so it can get wrapped and under the tree.

    And yes, Laura, you can enter! And TBA thanks for mentioning that Shadow Horse was your favorite--I think you will LOVE Whirlwind. (So if you don't win, get Santa to bring it to you.)

  5. Alison--the above Anon was Laura Crum. Google has decided to "disable my account" for reasons I don't understand. I can't comment under my name, but can comment as Anon, apparently. Anyway, if I can't straighten it out by Weds and find out what's behind it, I'll have one of you guys post my blog for me. And thanks for letting me enter your contest.

  6. Alison,
    I would love to gift one of your books to an advanced 8 year old...can you recommend what would be a good choice? She is a horse crazy young girl who lives on a cattle ranch and rides everyday! Can I purchase directly from you and maybe you can personalize for her?

    Thanks Kelly

  7. Hi Kelly,

    Any of my horse books would be great. Whirlwind/Shadow Horse do take place on a rescue farm, but if she's been on a cattle farm all her life, I imagine she's seen everything. Bell's Star and Risky Chance might be too easy reading-wise, but I think she'd love them, too. The Gabriel series are very suspenseful historical fiction, if she likes history. You get to choose!

  8. Alison,

    Thanks Alison. I think I will start with Whirlwind. I realize this is a give-away but since christmas is coming fast... can I purchase one from you or should I use the links on your website?

  9. Hi Kel,
    email me at the email at my website and we'll get this rolling!

    (Shadow Horse is the first of the two books btw)

  10. I have loved your books Shadow horse and Whirlwind even through I'm a adult I love the books I just recently bought Whirlwind and I can't seem to put it down

  11. Thanks Danni--I am glad you entered.

    Please everyone check back December 12th when I will announce the winner!
