Saturday, January 14, 2012

A New Passion!

I've been negligent lately about commenting on the blog, updating my Whirlwind Facebook page, dusting, brushing my teeth, grading papers (you get the picture) because I am suddenly pursuing a new passion. No, it's not washing clothes and hanging them on the line. I'm auctioning and thrifting in preparation for opening a booth in the local antique mall. What??? you ask. Where did THAT interest come from? And how are you going to fit it into your already crammed life of teaching, writing, riding, blogging, and poop cleaning? Good questions, so let me try and explain it to you (and me).

I have always loved auctions, antiques and vintage anything, but in the throes of raising a family and establishing a career, those interests flew out the door along with the extra money needed to actually buy at an auction. Now, however, my son has graduated college and has a good paying job. My daughter is in her last semester and the prospect of her leaving the nest has sent me into a panic. When she went back to VA Tech after Christmas break, we both boo-hooed like babies. I knew last summer when she left for college that something was missing in my life and that I needed to find a new passion to lessen the pain of Beth setting out of her own. Writing has temporarily fizzled. After sixty books and too many proposals to count, I am worn out. So when a friend suggested an auction in November, I heartily agreed and was instantly hooked. Since then, I have decided to become a business woman, albeit one who has never been able to do math. I've gathered goods with gusto, talked to the tax man, met with other booth renters to pick their brains, and am gradually preparing to DO IT.

We who live in the land of plenty are fortunate to be able to reinvent ourselves. I am astounded at my excitement at this new path. The photo of vintage aprons thrills me as much as finding Arcoco plates at Goodwill for 25 cents a piece and a Royal Doulton figurine for a dollar. I know I won't make a profit for months at a time, but right now, the fun outweighs the reality. Now the big question is: what passion would you like to pursue that somehow got lost in your life? And are you ready to go for it? Or are you already pursuing that passion?

Oh, and PS if you're cleaning out your attic and basement and find some odd/cute/vintage collectibles, I'll pay shipping and even make an offer!


  1. Oh Alison - I did this for awhile and I loved it! I rented a booth in an antique mall (and then expanded to several booths) and made the rounds to garage sales and auctions looking for bargains. Since I love books, I always picked up lots of vintage books, and I also kept an eye out for cowboy, western, and horse themed goods. And I loved finding American made stuff that was ancient but still durable and useful!

    It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun, and I spent hours at my booth pricing, decorating and getting it to look just right. Fun, though, and I did make some money. Good for you for pursuing something new! Wish I was with you to go shopping!

  2. Why did you stop? It sounds as if you loved it! Do you have any boxes of leftovers you just couldn't get rid of? :) If so, I'll take them off your hands!

    PS any advice on what not to and what worked would be welcome. Email me.

  3. I find this very interesting - I was just talking with another blogger who is 'simplifying' and I feel the urge to do the same thing. Although I'm not going as far as having a booth at an antique mall, I do plan on putting some things on eBay... some day!

  4. Sounds like fun, Alison. I used to go around the flea market a lot when i was younger, but never seem to get the chance to do it anymore. You're brave to take on a stall though, it's bound to be a lot of work. I wish postage were cheaper as I could send you lots of stuff from over here!!!

  5. Hi Dreaming--if Ebay gets too complicated, just mail it to me!

    Francesca--I would love some European goodies. But you're right, postal fees are crazy. (all that flying over water, I guess.)

  6. Hi Dreaming--if Ebay gets too complicated, just mail it to me!

    Francesca--I would love some European goodies. But you're right, postal fees are crazy. (all that flying over water, I guess.)

  7. This sounds fantastic!!! Good for you!! I'm looking forward to opening a stall in a holiday market at the end of 2012.. having your own little shop is just so fun.

  8. Natalie--what is it about horse people and vintage/collectibles/crafts? Do you think it goes together?

  9. Oh my goodness, this sounds like so much fun! My husband and I love antique shopping - it's so thrilling to find something neat and meaningful to you, and then you always have a story to tell about it and a memory. Priceless!

    It's wonderful that you've found something to do that inspires you and has you so excited. Be sure to take lots of pics of your new booth and your finds! Will you be selling online as well as in a storefront? If so, please post the link to your online store!

  10. Hi Jenj--I would love to eventually have an online presence but that is a whole new learning curve. I did register a domain name just to make sure I had it.

    As I said to Natalie--there must be a connection between horse lovers and antique lovers!
