Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Winners of The Girl Who Remembered Horses

Hi Everyone! I'm here to announce the winners of my drawing for three digital copies of my book The Girl Who Remembered Horses.

And they are  *drum roll, please*
and Greenie in WI.

Please contact me: linda (at) lindabenson.net to arrange for delivery of your choice of formats.

Also, some of you might enjoy this review by Jane Badger, who specializes in horse and pony books in the UK. http://booksandmud.blogspot.com/2012/04/review-linda-benson.html

Jane brings up the concept of genetic memory, which opens up the door for a great discussion with fellow horse lovers about whether or not the "horse gene" is inherited. This is one of the plot lines in The Girl Who Remembered Horses, and it makes for a lively argument. What do you think?

Thanks to all of those that entered! The Girl Who Remembered Horses is still rated #1 Fantasy Book Featuring Horses on Goodreads, and is consistently one of the Best Reviewed Horse Fiction books on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/The-Girl-Remembered-Horses-ebook/dp/B00635UBW8/ref=sr_1_12?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1334681148&sr=1-12

Hope you'll give it a try!

Happy Reading and Riding!


  1. My father liked horses, but no one else in my family does, so it might be a mutation! (or an obsession?)

  2. Ha! Alison - I like to believe it's just a gene that gets passed down to the special few. Aren't we lucky?
