We didn't do so well...but at least we looked nice! |
We did it! Last Sunday afternoon, Qrac and I got all blinged
out and competed in our very first dressage competition.
As I mentioned in my post last week, I had no idea as to how
Qracy would behave on a showground, how he would react to all the adrenaline
gushing through the air, whether he’d get himself into a total tizzy at the
sight of all the other horses. As it turns out, he was a total prince, backing
calmly out of the trailer, standing quietly for a friend of mine while my
daughter and I tacked him up. He didn’t prance, he didn’t dance, and he didn’t
shout his head off, despite the crazy antics of a horse seemingly destroying the
trailer parked next to us. That in itself was a victory for me!
I climbed onto his back and rode him towards the warm-up
arena where my trainer, Marie-Valentine, was waiting for us. He felt a tad
tense, but for reasons I can’t even begin to explain (could it have had
something to do with the herbal chill-pill I took?!), I felt utterly blissed
out, as though my horse and I were wrapped in a cocoon of cotton wool.
Marie-Valentine greeted us, her sunny, generous presence reinforcing my calm
state of mind. After she’d wired me up to her walkie-talkie machine, I patted
Qrac, took a deep breath, and guided him into the warm-up arena.
Within minutes my husband and my son arrived. My husband had
only seen Qrac once, last summer, and my son had never seen him at all. With
neither of them being horse aficionados, the fact that they’d made the effort
to drive all the way out there to watch me meant a lot, especially with our country’s
beloved Rodger Federer competing in the Wimbledon final an hour after I was scheduled
to ride, giving them little time to get back in the car, race home and turn on
the television! Soon afterwards my friend Heike and her husband arrived, having
driven all the way from Cologne, Germany (where they’d dropped off their
children with Heike’s parents forty-eight hours earlier for the summer
holidays)just to make it on time to see my first competition! Seriously! I was totally
feeling the love!
Wired up! |
Goodness me, the warm-up arena was such a zoo! With two
tests taking place simultaneously, there must have been about thirty riders in
there, some seemingly clueless as to the basic rules of riding in company. Nevertheless,
initially at least, my cotton wool cocoon remained intact. “Have you two been
competing in secret?” joked Marie-Valentine in my earpiece, and I turned to
smile at her. Seriously, whoever invented those walkie-talkie earpiece thingies
deserves an Oscar or something! They are so reassuring.
The test Qrac and I were performing was ridden on a 20 x40 metre
arena (tiny! I couldn’t believe how small it was!), which meant that we could
enter the cordoned off extra 20 metres of the arena when the rider competing
right before us went in to do her test. There again, Qrac was great, trotting
around calmly while we waited for our turn. I tried to tune out everything
else, mentally going over my test one last time, taking deep breaths. I felt so
privileged, so lucky, so intensely happy to be here, riding in a dressage competition
on a sunny afternoon on my beautiful horse under the loving, encouraging eyes
of friends and family.
The rider before us finished her test, and Qrac and I
entered the arena. I trotted him around, ready for him as he spooked at the
geraniums and the begonias, feeling him tense as he eyed the judges in their
little chalets. Still, he felt good, and I was confident we’d be able to ride
the test without too many problems.
It was supposed to be an extended trot! |
The bell jingled. I trotted a circle, changed to the left
rein and headed towards A. From what I can see from the video, our turn was
pretty precise, and it felt as though we rode relatively straight down the
centre line, halting more or less squarely at X, although he dropped his right
hip at the very last second. I saluted, patted him, and then proceeded towards
C at a decent enough working trot with a smile on my face. I turned left and
prepared for the extended trot on the diagonal. Within three strides Qrac
exploded, shooting forwards and upwards like a rocket, taking me completely by
surprise! I have no idea what happened, whether he saw something that spooked
him, or whether he just had one of those unexplainable horsey moments. Still
smiling (I think I actually laughed!) I closed my legs, rode forwards and more
or less got him back before we reached the corner, but after that initial
meltdown he was a little rushed, and no longer totally with me. Our turn on the
haunches was more of an “okay, screw this, let’s just turn around and go the
other way”, our ten metre circle in the left lead canter was a bit of an 18
metre hippety-hoppety head throwing muck-up. As for our walk to canter
transition, it was a Qrac super special: he struck off on the wrong leg, switched
leads in the air while swinging his haunches to the other side before even
landing the wrong lead. Which in my enthusiastic opinion was super skilful, but
definitely didn’t impress the judges!
I was still on a high when I got home, and astonished myself
further by having enough energy to actually go straight back out for pizza with
my family at the local tennis club, where I drove everyone spare, yapping on
and on about how happy I was, and how well Qracy had done, and sending out long,
detailed text messages complete with photographs to all my horsey friends.
A couple of days later I signed us up for a show at the end
of August, although I’m not a hundred percent certain of being able to take
part as my poor son will be having knee surgery the previous day. Nevertheless,
simply having signed up gives me something to work towards, and forces me to be
a little more organized in my training. It’s
funny, but until now, when people used to tell me that they liked competing
because it gave them an idea of where they were at and what they had to work
on, I never really got it. As far as I was concerned, going to a show was just
one giant, scary stress-out. On Sunday night, when it was all over, I finally
And, guess what, I really enjoyed getting all dressed up and
blingy for the occasion!
What do you/did you get out of showing?
(My amazing daughter took all the photos! Check out her website: www.oliviabossert.com. She recently had one of her photographs on a massive billboard on Times Square in New York! Yep, I'm proud of her!)
Congratulations! I love the picture (and comment) about the extended trot. It looks like you are having great fun, despite the unorthodox gait!
Dressage tests are too short to get bent out of shape if things don't go as planned - one might as well have fun! If it ceases to be fun, why do it?
What did I get out of showing? I liked rising to the challenge and showing what my horse and I could do.
Thank you Dreaming, having fun is definitely the attitude, shame the whole ambiance is so hush-hush peas above sticks! It's always so quiet...except for the silly music they seem to always play.Now if i organised a dressage competiton it would be totally different, and far more fun. I'd proably have different rules, too!!
Thank you for reading and commenting :)
Cesca--I think its absolutely wonderful that you were able to compete and have a good time, including through Qrac's "airs above the ground". And I, too, loved the times I was able to get my horse "shown", as Dreaming says--it didn't matter so much about winning. Just that we were able to execute what I knew we could do. Winning was just icing on the cake.
Thanks, Laura :) Yes, he's definitely good at "airs above the ground", you should see what he can do when he's out in the field! Thank goodness he doesn't do stuff like that with me on his back.
Apparently we got good marks for our extended walk and extended canter (I've not actually seen the sheet yet as I left before the prize giving which was hours later; my trainer has it), and they had some nice things to say about my horse. Maybe it will be a bit better next time:)
I'm happy it was a good experience for the two of you.
Francesca - Congrats, you did it! Doesn't it feel great to do some things really well, and laugh about the things that don't go as planned? When Snoopy and I show, I come off the course feeling euphoric about the bend I got in him over the serpentine, or the relaxed lopeovers. Then I laugh my butt off at him trying to eat the plants in front of the gate, or the time I made him knock over a box because I backed him too far.
I'm beginning to think that being writers keeps our competitiveness from becoming too outrageous. We may want that perfect ride, but having a story to tell is good, too!
Cesca - I am so proud of you for keeping your cool through this entire day. Good for you! This was a learning experience for both of you, and like you say, Qrac did some things very well! Maybe if they played loud rock 'n roll music over the speakers at dressage shows, people and horses would grin and chill out a bit more, do ya think? LOL
LOVE the photos! Especially the one of your dear Qrac resisting the extended trot - good on you for keeping at it!
You both looked great - wonderful turnout.
Thank you, Susan :)
Gayle: at this point, I'm just happy to be able to feel confident enough to take him to a show! Whatever happens, happens:) And we didn't eat the geraniums (not that I thought he might try!)!!
Linda: thank you, you're a sweetie! About the music, at one of the previous yards I stabled horses in, I made loads of CDs for their annual show and we had really cool music (if I may say so myself!). I got to ride my program to one of my favourite tunes :) Actually, it was a little distracting as I wanted to sing along... Soooo not dressageally acceptable!
Christine: awww....thank you! Yes, he looked pretty and got a lot of attention in the warmup arena! "Who is he, what is he, where is he from?"
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