Sunday, October 14, 2012

Final Offer...and Favorite Book Covers

  by Laura Crum

Does this title remind you of those carpet merchants who are constantly "going out of business" and this is your very last chance to buy at a reduced price? That was my thought, too. But its true. This is the very LAST week to get the first eight books in my mystery series featuring equine veterinarian Gail McCarthy for 99 cents on Kindle. Next week the pricing structure will change. So for anyone who is interested in my older titles, now is the time. Here is the link to find them on Amazon. The order is Cutter, Hoofprints, Roughstock, Roped, Slickrock, Breakaway, Hayburner and Forged. Each book deals with a different aspect of the horse business—all based on things I have actually done, so hopefully the ring of reality is always present. Cutter revolves around cutting horses, Hoofprints is about reined cowhorses, Roughstock about team roping (with some endurance thrown in), Roped is about ranching and roping, Slickrock takes place during a horse packing trip in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Breakaway has much trail riding in the coastal hills, Hayburner involves breaking a colt…etc.

And for this week only, all eight books are only 99 cents each! (Do I sound like a rug dealer?)

So today I’d like to post a visual of my favorite covers. I think these images give a very good sense of what the series is about—mystery and horses. Here is the cover of Hoofprints, the second book in the series.

And here is Roughstock—the third book—by the very talented Peter Thorpe. This is one of my favorite covers.

Here is Hayburner—book number seven—the artwork is also by Peter Thorpe.

And here is Forged—book number eight—I love the artwork on this one, too.

So what do you think? Do these images work for you as alluring covers? Do they make you want to read the book? Anybody have a favorite? I have had a few covers I DON”T love. Maybe I’ll post those next.


  1. Eight books for eight bucks is a tough deal to beat!

    Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Thanks, Val. I want everyone who has enjoyed my blog posts to have the opportunity to buy these books very inexpensively. I think if you enjoy my writing on the blog, you'll enjoy the books.

  3. As Val said, a great deal! Personally, I love the first cover :) That's the one that'd make me curious to read!

  4. Christine--I love that cover, too. I think it captures the element of classic mystery. And it is very faithful to the book.

  5. Your book covers are "art" Laura! Glad you sent this out for all to take advantage.

  6. Thanks, Alison! These are some of my favorite covers--I could post my least favorite ones--I think you might agree that those are not so much art (!)
