Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Fun

                                                by Laura Crum

            I hope you all have a fun, spooky (just spooky enough) day. And here are some photos I’ve taken to celebrate this season. They seem more evocative to me than words. Though I guess that's something an author should never say. Oops.

            The “barfkin.”

            Our spooky graveyard—complete with steaming caldron (thanks to dry ice) and Mario.

            Spider on my porch—real spider. Doesn’t he/she look quite Halloweenish?

            The wild grape turning red.

            My hillside in its autumn colors.

            I always think my bantie chickens have very autumnal colors.

            What sort of face should this pumpkin have?

            California fuschia with pumpkin.

            Sage named “Limelight”—don’t you love the chartreuse and electric blue together?

            A few apples still on the Fuji tree—and they are really sweet!

            An autumn rose--Lady Hillingdon tea rose.

            Lots of rose hips on the big rambling roses.

            Which remind me of this sweet poem by Cicely Mary Barker.

            Jack-O-Lanterns freshly carved and frisky.

            Jack-O-Lanterns the day after.

            Autumn trail ride—this photo is from two years ago at about this time—we haven’t had a photographer with us on rides lately. My son is almost as tall as I am now, but the horses and the landscape look just the same.

            Happy Halloween!


  1. Love the colors. I live in the Mojave Desert and we don't have the changes of colors like this. The only "color" is the blooming rabbit brush, which makes me very sniffly. Gotta go to the golf course to see grass and roses, trees with leaves changing color. Gorgeous essay--and LOVE the pumpkins.

  2. The spider on your porch has a smiley face on his back!
    Lovely colours, the rose is beautiful

  3. Thanks TBDancer--and I love the desert, too. I spent a lovely evening camping in the Mojave Desert on our way home from the Four Corners.

    Martine--Another friend called it the "grinning light bulb spider." I love the autumn colors, too--and I am a rose addict--I have many beautiful old tea roses here, and most of them bloom in the autumn as well as the spring.

  4. Lovely pictures! The spider was especially spooky and I love the barfkin!

  5. Dreaming--Thanks. That spider was seriously spooky in real life.

  6. Is that a domesticated spider that smiles. :)

  7. Orville--I'm not sure about domesticated, but that spider has been living on my porch for quite awhile!
