Cleaning. Spring and cleaning should never be used together (actually I would prefer the word cleaning was not in my vocabulary) but it does seem to be true for me that spring brings a sense that some kind of order needs to be made of the house, barn and gardens. The house I choose to ignore. But we're putting a concrete floor in part of our barn (for tractors and carts to keep down the dust) and a new roof which necessitated cleaning it out. What an icky job. Between the mouse poop, cobwebs and stiff, moldy tack, I was pretty disgusted with my (our) lack of barn care all winter. A whole Saturday and two truck loads to the dump didn't seem to make a dent. I washed two
Does anyone need a rusty squirrel cage fan? |
metal fans, a Garden Way cart, a mower from 1964 and a Spalding backboard, took pictures and posted them in the paper and on Craigslist to sell. (Not one phone call.) Now the stalls are filled with stuff we didn't get rid of (and not the horses) because we had to clear the middle of the barn for the construction guys. Who knows how long before they show up. I hope they finish before the summer flies arrive or the horses will be miserable without their cool barn.

Fortunately the second sign of spring which I mentioned in my last post (and will continue to mention) is flowers and gardening. Unlike cleaning the house, I love working in the garden. Since I got my zippy Kodak camera (so easy to use) for my last birthday, I have been in love with taking photos of my flowers. Like Laura and many of you who commented on her post, I am a bit of a hermit, so pardon the need to share via the internet (and not with real people). I am also having fun combining my love of vintage with flowers. If you like the photos, I hope you'll try your own funky yard art and share your photos right back.
This was an ice cream parlor chair I bought cheap because it had no seat. I found a microwave plate that fit perfectly (95 cents at Goodwill) and voila it's the centerpiece of my porch steps. Vintage tea pots and casserole dishes with no lids also can be found cheap at every thrift shop. They make great planters. I potted impatiens in these, which need low light, and put them in one of my booths. Both sold almost immediately.

The third sign of spring is fresh greens. My whole family is waiting for the first salad of the season. The weather has been perfect for lettuce, peas and spinach and they've grown quickly. Soon I will thin the rows and then yum!
What chores do you love to tackle in the spring? Which do you avoid? I'd love to hear your comments.
I love taking photos of my plants and garden...and really enjoyed seeing yours. It IS fun sharing the photos on the internet; one can remain a peaceful hermit and still communicate with others who love gardens and horses.
Great photos, Alison! I also love to use vintage pieces as planters and garden art.
As for me, I've been fighting dandelions all spring - masses and mats of them - as I attempt to recreate a native wildflower meadow on our property. It's fun, rewarding, and back-breaking work, but if I have more wildflowers next year, it will all be worth it.
Soon, it will be too hot to garden, and then I'll sit and read or write.
Enjoy the rest of your Spring!
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