The Girl Who Remembered Horses is a horse novel set in the future, when most humans have forgotten the bond they once shared with horses - all except for one girl - who dreams of them. This novel is based not only on the reality of what's actually happening to many horses in today's modern society, but also on a college research project I completed about why women and girls love horses. I hope you'll enjoy it!
There are more books available in this .99 sale, too, by a variety of authors. All are suitable for middle-grade readers and up, and several more of them are about horses. You can find the full list right here on my personal blog. Sale runs from June 17-21.

Thanks, everyone. Hope you have a great summer filled with reading, riding, and relaxing!
Okay so let me just say that I just finished this book and loved it!
I am truly hoping there is a follow up or a sequel to it.
Thank you, Cindy! I'm so glad you liked it. I am working on a sequel, and I'll for sure announce it here when it's ready. Thanks so much for your comment. Authors love to know their books are enjoyed and touched someone.
The same to you, Linda. Add "lots of summer book sales' to that last wish. I hope you post more about your new life in your new state!
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