Tuesday, February 18, 2014


by Linda Benson

No, we are not turning this into a cat blog. (Although all of us have a little Cat Lady hidden inside somewhere, right?) *raises hand*

But my newest piece of short fiction, called THE SPRINGTIME CAT is now available as an eBook on Amazon for $0.99, and I just wanted to share the news!

Eleven-year-old Dee Chase finds an injured tabby cat hiding in a blackberry patch. As the animal regains health and sneaks its way into Dee's heart, it helps Dee handle a rough patch going on with her family. But the cat keeps coming up with surprises, and ultimately will heal Dee's family in unexpected ways.

This short story from Linda Benson, award-winning author of books about the human-animal bond, will surely touch your heart in any season.

I posted recently about how writing short fiction is re-energizing my writing in general, and this story is no exception. It came from the heart, and although only about 40 pages, it has touched some deep feelings in a few readers already. I hope some of you will give it a try. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Springtime-Cat-Tales-ebook/dp/B00IBOQZU6

And for those of you who have snow, here's wishing you Spring very soon!


  1. Cute cover and cute idea! Hey, cats, dogs and horses--we've got them all.

  2. This is true, Alison. And I've never met a horseperson who didn't also love other animals, be it cats or dogs or something. We're writing crossover fiction!

  3. I think almost every horseperson I ever knew had dogs or cats or both. And often chickens and a big garden, too.
