Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Something New

by Laura Crum

Today is a perfect spring day where I live, and I will be spending my time with the horses and garden. Here I am, getting ready to turn Henry out to graze.

I had prepared a somewhat controversial post, but it just seems like too nice a day for arguing.  And then, this morning, I had the pleasure of reading a lovely interview by Elizabeth Speth on her blog, "Mostly Beautiful Things." Elizabeth is a wonderful writer and her blog is a true delight. She has taken the time to write about my life and books, and I enjoyed her post very much. So please, check out "Mostly Beautiful Things." Here is the link.


  1. Ok, sometimes even saying "it's a perfect spring day here" can be controversial. When I turned my horses out this morning I had to battle blowing wind and snow, and fight my way through a 2 foot drift. They must be crazy, because they wanted out. But anyway, now I'm cursing Californians who brag about their weather. Any Floridians care to chime in? :)

    I think I'd rather argue over a real controversy.

  2. redhorse--You have a point. And here I thought I was saying something completely benign(!) So yeah, I'll put the more controversial post up next, and give us all something to argue about. Mostly I just wanted people to read the lovely interview piece that Elizabeth wrote--I can't help but be flattered.

  3. What a great interview! (And cute photos -- ah when we were young.)

    Such a nice tribute from a writer and friend, Laura. And I am glad it put you in a good mood for spring.
