Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

                                                            by Laura Crum

            Mother’s Day means different things to different people. For many it’s mostly about celebrating/remembering their own mother. For others it’s more about celebrating their relationship with their own children. And for some, it’s about celebrating their four footed kids and how much they love them. I have been all these people—and today I feel a bit of all these feelings.
            I will admit that I am hugely grateful to be my son’s mother. It’s been the single biggest experience of my entire life.

          For those who are interested in my thoughts on this topic--I wove them into my novels, Moonblind, Chasing Cans, and Going, Gone. Along with plenty of excitement and lots of horses, of course.

 I’m also very grateful today to the good horses who have given my son and me so many happy years of riding together.

            So I think I will leave you with something my boy said to me when we were riding the trail that you see in the above photo. This was a couple of years ago (2012). I recorded the moment in a journal because it meant a lot to me. I was leading on Sunny, my son following on Henry. And he said to me, “I love this trail. It’s so pretty.” He was quiet for a minute as we both watched a deer bound away through the brush. And then he said, “It’s good to have friends to trail ride with. And it’s best when that friend is your mom.”

Happy Mother’s Day to all!


  1. Oh my gosh. Those words are so sweet.

    I love the first photo of you and your baby.

    Happy Mothers Day! It's my first!

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you, Val. How special to have your first Mother's Day as a mother. Many good wishes to you and your little girl.
