Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Turning on a Dime

Speaking of new horse fiction, here's another awesome read, brand new from Maggie Dana, author of the popular Timber Ridge Riders series for girls. This one, called Turning on a Dime, involves time travel, two horse girls from different centuries, and a whole lot more.

Teenage equestrian Samantha DeVries wants to be the first African American to ride in the Olympics. Her father, a successful trainer, pushes Sam to excel, while Sam’s academic mother tries to instill a sense of heritage in her headstrong daughter who’d rather be riding horses than studying history. But Sam’s beliefs and her carefully constructed world shatter like a jelly jar when she travels through a time portal and lands in the canopy bed of an 1860s Southern belle.

Even more surprised by Sam’s unexpected arrival is Caroline Chandler. She’s a tomboy who wears breeches beneath her crinoline and rides horses bareback, much to the dismay of her critical mother.

But neither girl has time to fret over petticoats and prejudice. The Civil War is raging, and soldiers from both sides are stealing horses. At risk is Pandora, Caroline’s beloved mare. Without her, Sam’s future Olympic horse, Nugget, might not exist in the present.

Neither will Sam if the slave catchers grab her.

I was lucky enough to be one of the first readers of this book, and I adored it. A fast-moving adventure story, it's also filled with history and humor as these two girls discover the differences (some fun, some scary) in their two worlds. Perfectly suitable for youngsters, there are enough meatier issues in this book to grab the attention of adults. Whether you love horses, time travel, historical novels, or just great adventure stories, Turning on a Dime is a recommended read.

Available as an ebook and paper book from most online stores:
Amazon   Barnes & Noble  iTunes   Kobo

Turning on a Dime is a gripping narrative filled with delightfully original moments ... perfect for young adults who love horses, feisty female protagonists, and unique timeslip dilemmas. -- Midwest Book Review

Oh and hey! Just discovered a contest on Goodreads to win Turning on a Dime. It's right here:

For more on Maggie Dana's Timber Ridge Riders series:

Happy Summer Reading, Everyone! And Happy Summer Riding!


  1. Congratulations and good wishes to Maggie on her new book.

  2. Thanks for a good read heads-up. I wish I had more time!

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