Hi Everyone - Just popping in to share a few things. First of all, for those of you who prefer to read paper rather than ebooks, The Girl Who Remembered Horses is now available on Amazon as a print edition. It has the old cover, with the horses galloping across the desert, but the book is still the same, so now you can read it either way!

eBook edition available on Amazon for $2.99
Print edition available on Amazon for $10.99, plus shipping.
Also, since my Cat Tales series is doing so well (yes, we made a quick transition there from horses to cats) I wrote another one, to follow The Winter Kitten, The Springtime Cat, The Summer Cat (which has some horses in it!) and The Autumn Kitten.
But since I ran out of seasons, I called this one The Newlywed Cat, and it was just released.
This short read is available on Amazon for $0.99
So there you have it. Whether you read on Paper or on the Screen, we've got you covered.
And just a reminder, the Kindle App is available for free on almost every device. You can get it on your tablet, computer, or even your smart phone. Several of my readers read my Cat Tales on their phones! (Yes, it amazes me also.)
In other news, we will soon be adding some new members to this blog. So look for new and interesting posts in the future!
Happy Reading! Happy Riding! And for those of you who are writers - Happy Writing!
And here's a question for you - how many of you read ebooks now?
I love the title THE NEWLY WED CAT--Now you can do all the holidays. Glad THE GIRL WHO REMEMBERED HORSES is still doing well and in print. It was a great read!
You are really getting a good body of work out there for readers. Congrats!
Thanks, Alison. I have to say that writing short fiction, and having it be well-received, has given me my writing mojo back. :-)
I read both ebooks and hardcover books. The things I like about ebooks is at my age you can change the size of the print easily and it's easy to carry with you. I love the ability to have so many books at your fingertips and the great short stories. The one negative thing I noticed is sometimes I forget the actual title and author of the book because you stop at the spot you are reading and close the kindle. The title and author aren't visible to you all the time like when you close an actual book. Also, maybe I'm a little strange but I like the feel and smell of books too! I will continue to read both.
14.1 - I am with you. I still read both ways! I love actual print books, but I also love the fun and ease of having books handy on your tablet or reader. And yes, you can change the size of the font, which is great for old eyes. I just love to read, period!
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